Snap Inc. has done it again.  The company that created Snapchat, one of the most popular apps in the history of the smartphone, is now taking the world by storm (again) with Snap Inc. Spectacles.

If you’re thinking to yourself that the last pair of tech glasses you bought (cough, Google Glass, cough) didn’t turn out to be revolutionary, just expensive, that’s fair. However, the Snap Inc. Spectacles are different in that they will record whatever image they are focusing on, providing a point-of-view that has never been captured before.  As far as the hit to the bank account, an article by AdAge stated that the cost of the glasses is a mere $129, making them attainable for even the poorest of college students looking for cutting-edge tech.

In regards to how the video will come to life, it will look a lot like footage from movies like “Paranormal Activity.” The Spectacles have the versatility of a GoPro, but allow for greater stability and no need for suction cups or inconvenient straps. Perhaps the best feature is the simple tap to record function.  To create a video, simply tap the side of your Spectacles, and the glasses will record a 10-second clip that is uploaded straight to your Memories in Snapchat.  Given the functionality and affordability of this product, there is no question that it will appeal to YAYA consumers.

So, the next time you reach for a pair of glasses, you might consider the Snap Inc. Spectacles that provide the best way yet to capture life’s best moments.

Written by: Amanda Manno, Brad Nachtrieb and Zach Stoner