Marley Schmidtlein
Art Director
When she was only a small child, Marley came to the sudden realization that sleep was for the weak. Ever since then, she has been expanding her creative skillset at a nearly freakish pace. The Kansas City native first expressed herself through Irish dance—eventually qualifying for the national tournament with her team. At the same time, she was managing gigs for three different bands, handling their photography, running their social media accounts, designing their merchandise and creating album covers. On top of that, she was interning at an arts academy nearby, where she acquired fine art skills like cartooning, Chinese water brush painting and calligraphy.
Once she made it to Mizzou, she started working as an in-house marketing intern for a dental firm. Essentially a one-woman agency, she got practice writing copy, creating the artwork, designing the layouts of print, web, and out-of-home advertisements, researching campaign strategies and optimizing their corporate website. Most recently, she worked at Adswapper as a graphic designer and social media content manager. There, she learned more about creating and implementing social media campaigns, and redesigned the user experience and user interface of two different mobile apps. Now, her focus is on mastering emerging technology like 3D modeling and augmented reality animation. After graduating, she plans to take her first nap, and then go work for an agency.