RECOMMENDATION Recommendation 2 The second recommendation. Applicant Name* First Last Relation to Applicant* Colleague/worked together Classmate Teacher Employer Mentor In which class(es) did you have this applicant? Where did you employ this applicant? Which classes were you in with this applicant? Dynamic* I taught this applicant/was their instructor I managed/supervised this applicant I worked with this applicant This applicant managed me Characteristic Evaluation. Please rank the applicant below where "1" is poor and "5" is excellent.*Faculty Evaluation. Please rank the applicant below where "1" is poor and "5" is excellent.Faculty Evaluation (percentile)Please rank the applicant relative to your general student body by checking the appropriate box next to each characteristic.Recommendation Summary* Recommend with enthusiasm Recommend Recommend with reservations Do not recommend How long have you known this applicant?* Less than one year One to three years Three to five years More than five years Additional comments about this applicant?Your Name* First Last Your Business or Organization* Your Email AddressWe'll send you a copy of your submission for your own records. Δ